About Association
Moscow City Bar Association Business Advisory Group is a young, active and dynamically developing team of professionals with extensive experience in legal practice.
Association has gathered the best representatives of the legal profession, applying a creative and qualified approach to the affairs of their clients, contributing to the growth and successful development of their business.
The main activity of the Association is to provide qualified legal assistance to Russian and foreign commercial organizations and entrepreneurs. Association's clients are metallurgical, coke and coal mining enterprises located in Siberia, Urals and Central part of Russia. The largest of them are: Tulachermet PJSC - the main Russian producer and exporter of merchant pig iron, Koks PJSC, one of the main producers of metallurgical coke in Russia, and Slovenian Steel Group.
Association’s activities are based on a comprehensive approach to solve the problem, which allows to engage highly qualified specialists, the most competent in various branches of law. Association is able to solve problems of any complexity at the highest professional level in the shortest possible time. Flexible financial approach allows any client to use the services of the Association lawyers.
In its work, the Association adheres to generally recognized international standards and ethical norms of the lawyer profession, supports and develops the traditions of Russian Bar. The quality of our services, professionalism and understanding of our clients' problems form the basis of our success and reputation.
2. Legal assistance
2.1. Legal assistance for legal entities
· subscription legal services
- legal advice on civil, corporate, labor, and tax laws
- development and expert review of the company's charter documents
- representation of company interests
- legal analysis of contracts and other documents
- projects legal support
- due diligence
- legal assistance on separate issues
- corporate disputes
- taxation
- contract law
- realty
- insolvency (bankruptcy)
- privatization
- Foreign Exchange Control Law of Russia
- Antithrust Law and Competition Protection Law
- appeal against actions of the State bodies and officials hindering entrepreneurship
- protection of business reputation
- protection during police checks
- out-of-court and pre-trial resolution of economic and administrative disputes, conflicts with partners and regulatory authorities
- representation in public and local authorities
- representation in Arbitration and Federal court, in Court of Referees in commercial litigation
- support in enforcement proceedings
- negotiation support
- registration, reorganization, liquidation of legal entities
- protection and representation in criminal proceedings on economic crimes
2.2. Legal assistance for individuals
- settlement of issues related to debt repayment to banks and other lenders
- debt collection, including debts of insurance companies
- real estate
o shared participation in construction
o real estate support activities
o settlement of housing disputes and other real estate conflicts
· taxation
o support for tax audits
o appeal of tax decisions
o litigation with Federal Tax Service Inspection
· labor disputes
o infringement of employees ' labor rights
o appeal against the employer’s actions
o resolving payroll issues
o resolving conflicts with the employer
· family disputes
o dissolution of marriage, incl. without your participation
o division of marital property
o preparing and challenging a marriage contract
o disputes regarding children
o establishing or challenging paternity
o privation of parental rights
· inheritance
- accession to the heirship
- preparing and challenging testaments
- distribution of inherited property
- recognition of the heir as unworthy
- recognition of the right to the hereditary portion
· honor and dignity protection
- advice on issues of honor, dignity and business reputation
- pre-trial dispute resolution procedure
- representation at all stage of trial proceedings
· criminal cases
- developing an effective defense strategy in court
- protection during police checks
- protection during juridical arrest
· intellectual property and copyright law
· personal bankruptcy
· representation and defense in court
· representation in regulatory state and local authorities
· support of enforcement proceedings
2.3. Special programs
- Subscription services
Subscription legal services are the comprehensive legal support of the company's activities on legal issues arising in the process of its financial and economic operations. This service is based on the principles of outsourcing and is a convenient and effective tool to optimize legal and financial risks.
Advantages of subscription legal services:
- during legal advicing, you get only qualified legal assistance from several lawyers with significant experience in various fields of law, and not from one full-time lawyer;
- having signed an agreement on subscription legal services, you will never be left without legal support, while a full-time laywer may fall ill, go on vacation or quit his job at the most inappropriate moment;
- the lawyer cannot be called and interrogated as a witness about the circumstances that became known to him in connection with applying to him for legal assistance or in connection with its provision;
- lawyers do not need vacation time, benefits and compensations, holiday and sick leave allowance;
- being advised, you pay only the remuneration amount without paying the single social tax and personal income tax;
- the costs of subscription legal services reduce the profit tax base;
- lawyers do not need to equip a workplace in the company, buy a legal reference system, furniture, office equipment and stationery;
- legal services expenses are lower than the salary of a qualified in-house lawyer
Subscription legal services include:
- legal advice on civil, corporate, labor and tax laws (oral, written, by phone, fax, email);
- development and expert review of the company charter documents;
- preparation of other legal documents, including draft contracts, corporate documents and local regulatory legal acts;
- legal analysis of contracts and other documents submitted by third parties for compliance with legislation and the client’s interests;
- participation in negotiations with third parties on the client side;
- representation of company in state and local authorities;
- claim work;
- legal analysis of the case (disputable situation) perspective in court, arbitration court.
The services above, provided within framework of legal services may be changed by agreement with client.
At agreement conclusion, you are provided with a curator - professional lawyer. The curator is a contact person, monitoring correct and timely provision of necessary services. At the end of each month, the curator provides you with a detailed report on the work done so that you can track how efficiently the subscription fee is spent.
Depending on the specifics of activity and intensity of business processes, the companies’ needs in legal services differ significantly, therefore we have developed several subscription legal services programs. At the same time, we are always ready to change the standard conditions of programs to the specifics of our client's activities.
2.3.2. Business legal protection during recession
Within the framework of this program, the MCBA Business Advisory Group offers:
- settlement of issues related to debt repayment to banks and other lenders;
- legal support of refinancing and restructuring of loan obligations;
- debt freezing to creditors, assessment of legal risks of non-payments;
- termination and suspension of contracts, assignment of claims, debt conversion;
- invalidation of transactions and decisions;
- support in execution of decisions on the collection of receivables;
- legal support of staff reduction, reorganization of working time, support of labor disputes;
- development of shareholder agreements on the line of conduct in conditions of the financial crisis;
- asset sale support;
- reorganization and liquidation of unprofitable productions;
- professional mediation as way to resolve conflicts (disputes) by negotiating between parties of dispute under the guidance of a neutral mediator - a lawyer
The main reasons for seeking mediation in a period of financial instability:
- parties want to maintain close business or personal relationships in the future;
- trial of the case is unpromising for the parties due to lack of liquidity;
- timing of the trial is too long, and the cost of the trial is excessive;
- decision reached by the parties during the conciliation procedure does not require enforcement, since the parties are satisfied with it and interested in its execution.
- Remote lawyer
The purpose of this program is to provide legal person or individual with qualified legal assistance without personal contact with a lawyer.
You conclude an agreement with a lawyer, pay for his services, and the lawyer gives you verbal and written recommendations on how to conduct your process, prepares all the necessary procedural documents, requests, statements of claim and other documents.
You only independently submit documents prepared by a lawyer, attend, for example, court hearings, participate in negotiations with your opponents. But you do it under the guidance of an experienced and competent lawyer.
You contact the lawyer by any available means: e-mail, phone, ICQ, etc. Any convenient way of communication is determined by you.
Reasons for joining the program:
- you need a competent lawyer;
- you are away from Moscow;
- your funds are limited.
The cost of legal assistance under the Remote Lawyer program is significantly lower than if the lawyer was fully involved in the case.
- Personal lawyer
The standard service under this program includes an unlimited number of legal consultations (in person, by phone, on-line), one lawyer's visit to the client in emergency situations, subsequent discounts on the Association services.
Under this program, the Lawyer will:
- bring order to your legal documents;
- prepare a marriage contract, examine the hypothetical possibility of the division of marital property in your favor;
- provide legal support for your insurance, child education, domestic staff employment contracts, etc.;
- track all legal aspects of the employment contract;
- assist in the exchange of goods in the store, return of money for unproven or poorly provided travel services, repair services, delivery of items purchased in the salon;
- submit on your behalf and receive the documents in any institution, to represent your interests at the meeting of members of homeowner association or in housing maintenance office, at a meeting of the guardianship and wardship authority or the housing committee;
- on your behalf start purchasing or selling the real estate, renting it out, redevelopment of residential premises;
- restore lost documents through court or on request;
- represent you at the General meeting of shareholders and participants of the company;
- represent you in the tax authorities with the Declaration of income;
- in case of a traffic accident go to you at the scene of the accident, provide necessary legal assistance or give necessary advice;
- in case of your detention by law enforcement officers take part in investigative actions
and much more at your request
Five reasons to join the program:
- you do not want to advertise your legal problems, do not trust people around you or
- you are independent and do not want to transfer your personal affairs to relatives;
- you must sign papers without looking, put your signature in place where there is a check mark;
- you do not have academic and practical knowledge in the field of law and do not always see the possible legal consequences of your actions;
- you value your personal time.
Program Advantages:
- your Lawyer works around the clock for the entire duration of the contract;
- the Lawyer is aware of all your life circumstances and legal problems. Solving a specific problem, he takes into account all the nuances of your unique situation;
- the services of a lawyer under the Personal Lawyer program are cheaper than one-time consultations or other actions of a lawyer.
2.3.5. Family lawyer
The Family Lawyer program is suitable for those who want to ensure not only their legal safety, but also the safety of their family members.
The standard service for this program includes the entire list of services under the Personal Lawyer program, with the exception that now they also apply to your family members.
- Mediation
Mediation is an alternative way to resolve conflicts (disputes) by negotiating between parties of dispute under the guidance of a neutral mediator - a lawyer
Mediation is the most effective, if:
- parties want to maintain close business or personal relationships in the future;
- parties are not interested in public hearing;
- court decision in the case is likely to be appealed;
- dispute addresses sensitive issues;
- timing of the trial is too long, and cost of the trial is excessive;
- trial of the case is unpromising for the parties;
As a rule, the decision reached by the parties during the conciliation procedure does not require enforcement, since the parties are satisfie.